For my wife….while I am away.

Erin…while I am away, I wanted to tell you how much I depend on you, how much I miss you, how much I love you.  What we have become is a source of strength, energy and peace for me.  I cherish every moment, every hug, every smile and every night beside you.  I could never have understood the power of love, for how it can strengthen me to endure what life brings.  Your support gives me the ability to shed much of the worry about the future as you would support me and our family no matter what hardships we are faced with.  You feel as I do, as long as we remain connected and support each other, nothing else matters.  You have no idea how comforting that makes me feel.

I am about to start my journey back home to you.  I am so thankful for you and cannot wait to see you.  To feel your warmth….I will be home to you soon my love.


3 thoughts on “For my wife….while I am away.

    1. Thank you. We are putting positive distance from my terrible past. Time is the best medicine….time and an unwavering understanding and support of Erin. There will always be bad days but with the passage of time they seem less frequent.

      I hope you are well.

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